Climbing wall sessions

Our boulder brats and Junior Climbing classes are now available to book on our online booking site.


These will hopefully start NEXT Saturday 13th and not this Saturday as previously advertised, following the high numbers of Covid19 locally.


All blocks are 4 weeks Long and will be booked through our online booking system.


Once logged in press 'make a booking' and then 'climbing wall' and the chosen activity will be available from there


There are spaces left on the follows groups:


P2-4 Boulder Brats 9:30am-10:30am £20/£10

P2-4 Boulder Brats 12:00pm-1:00pm £20/£10

P5-7+Junior Climbing 1:30pm-3:00pm £30/£15

P5-7+ Junior Climbing 3:15pm-4:45pm £30/£15


Please ensure you use your CHILDS ID and pin instead of an adults to avoid confusion at registration. 

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