Place Based Funding For Lochboisdale

Stòras Uibhist recently received funding support from the Comhairle and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to commission a masterplan study for Lochboisdale.  The purpose of the study, being undertaken by Architects G & GA, is to create a vision for the future direction of the area and will be published in March 2023. The strategy will develop a clear vision on how a place-based approach can help Lochboisdale reach its full potential as a thriving, resilient and empowered community.

The Scottish Government's Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) aims to ensure that all place-based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities and accelerate our ambitions for place, 20-minute neighbourhoods, town centre action, community led regeneration and community wealth building. Following community engagement events and consultation with key stakeholders in the area a range of short, medium- and long-term project proposals were recently presented to the community, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive with short term priorities being identified. To support the delivery of these priority improvements CnES has confirmed that the £116k allocation of PBIP funding 22/23 will be available for Lochboisdale. The funding will help to provide improved visual, environmental and amenity facilities within Lochboisdale village.

Cllr. Donald Crichton, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's Chair of the Sustainable Development Committee said: "I am delighted we are moving ahead with these proposals which will deliver improvements for Lochboisdale in line with community aspirations".

Cllr Paul Steele, Comhairle Leader said: "It's great news that we have been able to secure this funding to go towards the priority improvements identified by our community. By working together to create and develop a vision for Lochboisdale we look to harness the potential of this South Uist port of entry and to do so in a positive manner in these difficult times."

Storas Uibhist Chairperson Mary Schmoller said: "Through the Lochboisdale Strategic Visioning study a number of ambitious projects have been identified.  This allocation is just the first of many sources of potential funding that will allow us to deliver as many of the projects as possible on behalf of the community."

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